On 9th July the business meeting of the representatives of the Center of Corporate Medicine with the HSE- specialists took place in Krasnoyarsk. The meeting was dedicated to the possibility of applying ultrasonic diagnostics at the remote industrial sites.
Daniil Starostin, intensivist, instructor of the CCM simulation center AlphaMedTraining and Russian National Resuscitation Council together with Vladislav Mumber, leading manager of the division for quality control of medical services, spoke at the meeting.
The CCM specialists explained which equipment is the most appropriate for remote industrial sites and how to train the personnel to operate the ultrasonic diagnostics apparatus.
The experts noted that using the ultrasonic diagnostics apparatus the physicians and physician assistants at the remote industrial sites may classify the injured and diseased, determine a diagnosis at the pre-hospital stage. Among the main advantages the experts pointed out small size and portability, speed of diagnostics, possibility to use when rendering basic life support and to determine the lung changes in case of COVID-19.
Use of the ultrasonic diagnostics in the course of the life support measures is stated in the FAST and FEEL protocols. Protocol FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) is standard ultrasound screening procedure for the trauma patients. It is aimed at finding free fluid in the abdominal, pleural, pericardial cavities and also pneumothorax. Protocol FEEL (Focused Echocardiographic Evaluation in Life Support) means targeted echocardiographic screening which is used for the life support. During the simulation courses the physicians and physician assistants are given training on these two protocols.
The Center of Corporate Medicine is ready to offer you complete delivery of the ultrasonic equipment and training of personnel of the remote sites basing on FAST and FEEL protocols. Using this approach, the industrial enterprises will be able to reduce the number of severe illnesses among the employees, decrease medical evacuations and enhance accuracy in making diagnosis, and as a result, make treatments to run more efficiently.